Tarot Reading C: Yearly Fortune Telling!
占卜從此不限地域了! 就算身處海外也可! .
位於灣件地鐵站旁的彼岸塔羅, 只要簡單一click , 一日前預約即可.
午飯時間及晚上8點至12點 更可現在充滿田園主題的銅鑼灣地方進行占卜,
令你拋棄日間的煩擾, 非常relax.
選擇online 線上的明友, 預約後也可選擇以whatapps/Skype ,
1 Live chat ;
2 語音留言;
3 文字報告
總店: 灣仔盧押道9號澳洲大廈1樓 (灣仔地鐵站 D Exit 旁)
合作夥伴: 銅鑼灣駱克道510號1/F (SOGO後面, 銅鑼灣地鐵站 B or D Exit)
Terms & Conditions
- When participating in the event, you must present Tarot Neverland confirmation email
- The event is only available to the confirmed date and time
- Once the booking is confirmed, the activity will not be eligible for cancellation, refund or booking change
- Please arrive at the venue 10 minutes before the scheduled time
- Late for 20 minutes or more will be deemed as not attending the service
- Late or absent will not receive a refund
- When Storm signal No. 8 or above / Red / Black rainstorm signal occurs, the service will be cancelled and date can be rescheduled